Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Listen to Red - don't get burned!

My friend, videographer extraordinaire, Doug Baird is fond of a quote from the even more famous Red Adair, "If you think it's expensive to hire a professional to do the job, wait until you hire an amateur."

Wikipedia describes Paul Neal "Red" Adair (June 18, 1915 – August 7, 2004) as an American oil well firefighter - notable as an innovator in the highly specialized and extremely hazardous profession of extinguishing and capping blazing, erupting oil well blowouts, both land-based and offshore.

When we were kids, we all knew who Red was. Maybe you remember your Dad, pointing to stories of his exploits in the newspaper like mine did, "Hey,look at this guy!"

Throughout the sixties and seventies, if you had an oil well fire problem, you called for Red!  Brave and daring, Red was our action hero.  We played games in our backlot pretending to blow stuff up and calling for assistance. 

In 1968 John Wayne starred in the movie Hellfighters; the storyline based on the feats of Adair.  Now that is recognition.  

Even at the advanced age of 75, Adair was called upon to help extinguish the oil well fires in Kuwait set by retreating Iraqi troops after the Gulf War in 1991. He died in 2004 at age 89.

What's my point?  

Making and handling media is not nearly as risky as fighting oilfires, but you can still easily get burned.

Especially in a media crisis - better know who to call!

Save your money, time, and aggravation.  

Heed Red Adair.

Make More Media!  www.mooremedia.ca

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