Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Is your Media Vision Shortsighted?

How would you rate the vision you or your company has regarding media?  Are you a bit clairvoyant - gazing into the future with confidence?  Or more like the myopic fellow here?

You probably have a business plan which details the milestones you want to achieve and the markers that will indicate those accomplishments.  But what about awareness of your Brand?  There are many ways you can increase your media outreach.   Lots of them are cheap and some even free.

Don't know where to start?

Begin with an analysis of your current situation and assets.  Website, videos, newsletters, blogs etc.

Then determine a goal and a message.  Do you want to be known as the the best or cheapest or deepest or fastest?  Pick one or two values.  And realistically determine your location - your sphere of influence.  Is it local, regional, national or global?

Develop a strategy to promote the message and reach those goals. Much of the work you can do with your own research and skill sets and you will have the satisfaction of "owning" the knowledge.  Some elements to your media strategy will require professional assistance.

A good plan and a bit of consistent effort can produce some great results.

Here are some resources to assist.

Make more media!

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