Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Is your Media Vision Shortsighted?

How would you rate the vision you or your company has regarding media?  Are you a bit clairvoyant - gazing into the future with confidence?  Or more like the myopic fellow here?

You probably have a business plan which details the milestones you want to achieve and the markers that will indicate those accomplishments.  But what about awareness of your Brand?  There are many ways you can increase your media outreach.   Lots of them are cheap and some even free.

Don't know where to start?

Begin with an analysis of your current situation and assets.  Website, videos, newsletters, blogs etc.

Then determine a goal and a message.  Do you want to be known as the the best or cheapest or deepest or fastest?  Pick one or two values.  And realistically determine your location - your sphere of influence.  Is it local, regional, national or global?

Develop a strategy to promote the message and reach those goals. Much of the work you can do with your own research and skill sets and you will have the satisfaction of "owning" the knowledge.  Some elements to your media strategy will require professional assistance.

A good plan and a bit of consistent effort can produce some great results.

Here are some resources to assist.

Make more media!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Three Basics for Great Video

Here are 3 B's to help you create a great video.

1. Be There! 

Getting on location to understand the story is essential. 
Videographer Scott Lakey  arrives on set in N. Sweden

2. Be Prepared! 

Rick Bennett (camera) and Patrick Brereton (sound) recording complex scene for BairdTV.
There is never enough time on set. A well prepared director will have a script or shotlist to guide the team through the process in an efficient manner.                                                                    


3. Be Aware! 

Videographer James Aquila documents BTV story deep in the jungle in Guyana.
Often the story will develop during production.  Experienced directors will keep their eyes and ears open for telling details, interesting characters or context and will incorporate those elements to enrich the story.

Make More Media!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Want Professional Results?

What's on Captain Jack's Mind?

A number of clients have asked me lately if they can use their own video for their company's corporate message.  The answer is another question.  What results do you want to achieve?  Amateurs, no matter how good the equipment, will deliver amateur results. If you want a top quality job, hire a professional.

You don't ask your dentist to handle your bookkeeping, your lawyer to fix the plumbing, or your plumber to represent you in court. Why would you select your nephew - who has posted up some YouTube videos - to tell the very important story of your company?

A camera is just like a saxophone.  The music depends on the artist, the band, the tune, and the conductor.

One of my favorite quotes about photography applies equally well to video.
"Buying a Nikon doesn't make you a photographer.  It makes you a Nikon owner.~ Author unknown". 

The professionals I work with have collectively scores of years of experience in creating great video stories. We've made lots of mistakes, and still make a phew few.  But hopefully most of them were made before we went to work with you.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Full disclosure: I grew up in the beautiful Okanagan Valley and LOVE apples.

Today I learned from Judith Finlayson's excellent cookbook, The Healthy Slow Cooker, that we can PROVE that old maxim, about an apple a day keeping the doctor away.  " Scientists are confirming the truth of this maxim and explaining the reasons why.  We've long known that apples contain nutrients such as Vitamin C and fiber, but it's the range of phytochemicals, such as the flavonoid quercetin, that most interests researchers today.
Quercetin is a potent antioxidant that works to strengthen the body's immune system.  The consumption of quercetin has been linked with a reduced risk of heart disease, and it has also shown promise as a cancer fighter in laboratory situations.  The phytonutrient combination in apples has also been shown to prevent breast cancer in animals and inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells in laboratories.  In fact, a review of 85 studies, published in Nutrition Journal, linked eating apples, in comparison with other fruits, with a reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and type-2 diabetes."

Low fat, gluten free, high fibre, portable, and they taste good too!