Thursday, January 19, 2012

Achieve Triple A Videos with Ease

Arriving on location with
Videographer Manny Menezes
for BTV story on Balmoral Resources.
Three essential elements to achieve Triple A quality videos.

Use these three "A points" as you to plan your video to guarantee better results.


  • You need to be there, buddy, and take the viewer with you.   To understand the story and relate it dynamically, you must gain access to the action. Be suspicious of stories about a war zone filed by a reporter safely ensconced in Washington. Or generic "b-roll" cover wallpapered over narration lifted from the press release.  To paraphrase the great photographer, Robert Capa, "If your stories aren't good enough - get closer."

Balmoral worker
animates the BTV story
with ACTION!

  • What's going to happen?  Some guy sitting at a desk blathering on - Boring!  Let's see your characters in real live action.  Get them on their feet and moving.  Think of movies you like - car chases, unique locations, and ACTION!  Even in a Police Procedural TV episode, how often do you see the detectives walking through the office as they talk - divulging important plot points?  There's a reason for that.  The ACTION keeps us interested.  Walk the walk, don't just talk the talk!


A "cat-scan" of the drill core.
  • It's true.  Everybody's got an angle - what's yours?  An angle of approach provides the viewer with a perspective - with which they can agree or disagree - but at least you have a chance to hold their interest.  And if your story is similar to many others out there - as corporate videos often are - find a unique angle that hasn't been overused.  Just another war story - told from the perspective of a horse - results in War Horse - a smash theatrical and movie success.

Watch the complete story on BTV. Appreciate the Access, Enjoy the Action, Understand the Angle.
See more photos.